
To use the Joined API for Android in your mobile application, you either can download a read-for-use library or build the SDK directly from source.

If you have any problems downloading or building the Joined API for Android, please have a look at the FAQ or post on the mailinglist.

System requirements

The Joined API for Android requires Java 1.6 or higher. As the Joined API for Android is organized as a multi-module project using Maven, you have to get the source from GitHup and use Maven to compile it. Information about Git can be found here. Information about Apache Maven 2 can be found here.

Download SDK

The latest stable release of the Joined API for Android (Version 1.0) can be found here.

Build SDK From Source

Here's an overview of the steps you must follow to build the Joined API for Android directly from the latest source.

  1. To download the latest source code of the Joined API for Android from GitHub, execute the following command.
    git clone git://
  2. To compile the Joined API for Android, change to the Joined-Adroid-API folder and execute the following command.
    mvn clean install

    The Joined API for Android can be found now at Joined-Adroid-API/joined-api/target/joined-api.jar

    To build project files for Eclipse (optional), execute the following command.

    mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse

    To build the documentation (optional), execute the following command.

    mvn site

    The documentation of the Joined API for Android can be found now at Joined-Adroid-API/joined-api/target/site